Thursday, January 9, 2020

I am sandwiching my train baby quilt with Quilters Select Free Fuse.  I have for many years pinned my quilts with safety pins.  After that I used Pin Moors and T pins.  Then I switched to fusible batting.  With Free Fuse I can choose any kind of batting.  It is my new favorite.  

I had some Laurel Birch fabric left over from a baby quilt and when I saw the train pattern in a recent Quiltmania publication, I decided to make another baby quilt.  Our neighbor just had a baby in November.  I pattern called for six inch square centers in the train cars but the animals on the fabric were much smaller so I resized the blocks.  The smaller blocks made to quilt very small so I drafted the industrial cars from some coloring book pages found on the internet.  I went to add the borders and pulled out a book to find an approximation of the amount of fabric needed for the binding and decided to made a pieced border instead of the solid border.  The arrow border is simple but it had bias edges so it was a bit of a problem.  I am using this carrot fabric that was from my Becky stash for the backing.  I have tried to use if a number of times and it did not quite work.  On to sandwiching and binding.