Friday, August 18, 2017

Bugs in the Garden

First of all the bee made from a 2 wrap French knot, 3 bullion knots and a straight stitch on a piece of yellow wool.
The ladybug is from Sue Spargo's Creative Texturing book.  
This ant is also in that book.  Mine is a might catterwaunpous.  Maybe the next one will be better.  It is made with bullion knots and straight stitches with some single wrap French knots on the ends of the antennae.  
I tried my browser to find more hand embroidered bugs but did not find much.  I did find this image on a blog.  I quite liked it.  Below is my version.
I might try this again in another color way and position the French knots a bit differently.  I was trying to think of the name of the bug.....wooly something or other that is said to predict the severity of the upcoming winter weather by measuring the width of the middle band of white.  Maybe I should make one like that.  I wonder what they are called.  I used to know.  My mind is failing me these days.  Back to blossoms in the inner band.

1 comment:

  1. Love your bugs. I think the ant looks like it is crawling on your quilt. And Your caterpillar reminds me of the orange and black Woolie caterpillars we used to "collect" and make homes for when I was a kid.
